Welcome to PurpleTie!
Confirmation Page
Please print & include in your bag
Thanks! You are successfully registered and ready for service @Work.
Please include this page (or a completed order form from the PurpleTie station) in your bag of items, and place it at the bottom of your PurpleTie station,
located in ${printLocation}

Toll Free 1-855-PURPLETIE
Toll Free 1-855-PURPLETIE
My Name:
My Email:
My Phone:
My Location:
Ongoing instructions:
Instructions for this order:
Done! We will include a free, personalized PurpleTie laundry bag with your delivery. There's no need to print this page again, as long as you're using your PurpleTie bag.

We're sorry. The email address you provided is already in use.
If you have forgotten your password to a previous registration, please click here.
If you feel you are seeing this message in error, please contact Customer Service
Available Monday - Friday, 10am - 5pm.

We're sorry. The phone number you provided is already in use.
If you feel you are seeing this message in error, please contact Customer Service
Available Monday - Friday, 10am - 5pm.